Wednesday, February 22, 2012

ainil hawa :)

(: weee i am changinggg :P

heee. hoping for the best. insyaAllah ^^

Sunday, February 5, 2012

stop a while (:

assalamualaikum (:
this is my life. for me, i've talk too much, wasting time, eating too much also. ahhaks. i've to behave myself. this is my life. kalau dibiarkan. yet, spoil laa hidup beta. i've to start from the back where im started before. learn to live without this kind of entertainment. also my phone. tukar number laa kot (: leave my best thing to get the really best (:
insyaAllah (; byeeee ;D


pheeeewwww ~~~~~

p/s : lupe kan yang telah melupekan. seriously sedih ;(

Saturday, February 4, 2012


assalamualaikum. kawan dalam kelas aku panggil aku 'hawa'. kalau kawan sekolah aku dengar mesti dorang pelik. (: tape laa. same jeaa. asal kan name yang baik3. just to show some of the picture taken btw (;

sm1k2p2 without balqis *

is me with atika (:

dat gurl is so pandai ~! *anusia

farah weeekkk :p

the first to come to dkk :D

hey, this is aziem. 

qistina (; 

this is wani (;

insyaAllah we'l going to get the 4.0 (:

sweety mira and at the back ikin (;

jack (;

chin the most beauty (;

this is our class monitor, amir (;

my classmate also my jiranmate, farah(;

syida, the smallest ^^

puan bibah, iloveyou :D

sm1k2p2 heroess (;

sitting while waiting. ahha.

balqis who is really strict. whoaaaa..haha.

vinodh sriously talking about the future maybe ;)

our taiko also superman, how sik ;D

its only 1 year here. tapi banyak benda aku dapat kat kms, also in this class. dorang sgt openminded. even in their talk. takesah laa cakap ape pun, kutuk ke ape ke, layan jeee. well, im gonna miss them maybe.
lagi 3 bulan ;D not so long for me maybe.
p/s ; talking much3 maybe. ade certain gmbar, dorang tak perasan pun aku tangkap. sorry :p
tak tahu kenapa aku rase dia sangat kiyutttttttt -.-'

tader tajuk.

tak suke dengar budak laki dating, tapi still, gune duit parents dorang untuk belanja makwe dorang. hanye luahan. itu je nak tulis ^^ assalamualaikum (;